Monday, January 21, 2013

Why I am blogging.....

 Why am I blogging?  I am a stay at home mom of two kids in school, a dog and two hamsters   So why would I be blogging?  I just can.  I just want to get my feelings out there about every subject that pops into my head.  I also have some really awesome recipes, too.  That's why I am blogging.  Because for a woman that lives in the country and has no kids at home during the day, my life turns out to be pretty interesting   How?  Well, have you ever met a bored housewife?

We will start with today.  My son, who is 9 and is an amazing kid, gets up at 6:30.  Why?  It's not a school day?!  Why do I have to drag you out of bed on a school day, but never on a non-school day.  So, he asks why we don't have school.  I grumble to go check the calendar   He comes back and says, "Mom, what is Milk day?"  Oh boy.  Milk day, MLK day.  I see where the confusion comes in.  So I explain to him that MLK day is Martin Luther King, Jr. day and explain to him what that is all about.  Anyway, I finally roll out the bed and there is Zane staring at me.  I know he needs to go potty, but I NEED coffee.  I refuse to look in his eyes as I attempt to walk by him to get to the kitchen.  So he turns and wags his tail so it hits me.  I don't know how many of you own a Great Dane, but those tails are lethal.  I refuse to go to my yearly woman parts appointment until my bruises heal up because I don't want my husband arrested for domestic violence.  So fine, I go to take the dog out.  Now, let me tell you, Zane is a big boy.  He weighs around 175 at a year old.  I knew that he was going to be a big dog.  I was fully prepared for a giant lap dog.  I was giddy about him throwing his huge body on me to get some love.  What I was not prepared for was to have to walk him 100 times a day because my wonderful husband STILL has not fenced in my yard so I can let him run free.  We have plenty of property for him to run around on, but the little snot thinks it's ok to go near the highway.  So, he has to be leashed every time we go out.  Neither of us likes this.  This is why I love Doggy Daycare.  My husband thinks I am crazy to take my dog to daycare, but sometimes, this mamma just needs a break.

So, I take Zane out and he does his thing.  I come back and my amazing son has fixed me a cup of coffee.  I smile as I take it and sit on the couch.  Playing on my phone while drinking coffee rocks, by the way.  So I take a drink and choke it down.  I think he might have dumped all of the sugar we had in there.  I don't want to hurt his feelings, but I can't drink it.  So I sit there and let it get cold before sneaking to the sink to dump it.

My pretty girl gets up, finally, and I can tell she is in a mood.  She is only eight, but her attitude is completely teen.  I pop some frozen biscuits in the oven and go to my bathroom.  There is a huge tub in my bathroom that is calling me.  So I soak.  At 7:00 AM, I soak and think of all the things I have to do.  My husband insists on having our house decorated soon.  Come on, we have only been here a year and a half, I still have time, right?  Ugh.  Pinterest will be my BFF for a few weeks.

My next post will outline my cleaning schedule.  I will have my binder available for download.  It rocks.  I have a child jumping off of my table, and another getting bit in the butt by a dog.  

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